Continuing the worldwide musical celebration of Lou Harrison’s centennial, this diverse program presents a rare opportunity to hear a survey of works by the ebullient composer known for his fearless blending of Eastern and Western sounds. Los Angeles-based gamelan Kyai Doro Dasih, directed by renowned composer Pak Djoko Walujo, is joined on stage by guest musicians Chrysanthe Tan (violin), Erika Duke-Kirkpatrick (cello), Ulrich Krieger (saxophone) and Andrew McIntosh (violin) to bring Harrison’s Javanese gamelan pieces to life. The chamber music program includes a performance of Harrison’s Serenade for Guitar and Percussion by John Schneider, director of the Grammy-winning Partch ensemble, and percussionist T.J. Troy.
Bejarano will be performing Clay's Quintet, alongside Johnathan Hepfer, Sean Hayward, Erin Poulin, and Leila Bishop.